T. Buckley Trio
Award-winning songwriter T. Buckley stands quietly among a disappearing ilk of true craftsmen. Shadowed by his Western roots, his soul and voice are unmistakably genuine, and the result is a class of songsmith long revered and scarcely achieved.
With influences stemming from the ’60s Laurel Canyon and New York Cafe scenes, he tells stories embedded with detail, empathy and heart. Buckley’s dedication to his art has seen him on renowned showcase and festival stages throughout North America. Buckley’s most recent album, “Frame by Frame,” has been recognized through Canadian Folk Music Award and Western Canadian Music Award nominations, as well as a Calgary Music Award for best folk recording.
Versatility as a songwriter and musician have T. Buckley on the road in a variety of arrangements, rolling solo, collaborating with fellow Alberta songsmiths John Wort Hannam and Mariel Buckley and, of course, performing with his acoustic trio, whose tight harmonies and intricate arrangements are the perfect vehicle to deliver Buckley’s evocative narratives.